
An example to define a Jacobian object

from pygetdp import Jacobian
from pygetdp.helpers import build_example_png, print_html

Instanciate the Jacobian object

jac = Jacobian()

Then we define the different Jacobians as follow:

for js, s in enumerate(["Vol", "Sur", "Lin"]):
    jac.add(Name=s)  # add a new Jacobian item
    jac.items[js].add()  # add a new case
    # add a new item in this case with Region and Jacobian type
    jac.items[js].cases[0].add(Region="All", Jacobian=s)

    { Name Vol; 
         Case  {  
           { Region All; Jacobian Vol; } 
    { Name Sur; 
         Case  {  
           { Region All; Jacobian Sur; } 
    { Name Lin; 
         Case  {  
           { Region All; Jacobian Lin; } 

Finally we write and render the code as png

plot jacobian

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.637 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery